domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016


This adventurous story, based in 2065,40 years after the black ops 2 game, takes place in a problematic world with the climate change and the technologic advances.

The majority of the wars between countries were carried out by secret agents, who fight beside their enemies to try to stop the military technology (human cybernrtic drones,cyborgs who fight in the battlefield);because they speculate and fear that the robots would take control of themselves and over the world.

The game follows a team of soldiers who succees in all the missions, until they end up with the robots.This game is composed by:John Taylor,Sarah Hall,Jacob Hendricks,Rachel Kane and Dr. Yousef Salim,Peter whoare the special agents and the heroes of the plot Maretti,Sebastian Dìaz,Goh Xiulan and Sebastian Kruger(the villain).

The game includes the mode "Nightmare"which is a campaign version that includes in a very similar plot zombies and other rare criatures.In this mode,the virus 65-15 is freed in all the world`s towns to transform normal people in zombies.

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